Articles and Tips

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Usage of protection crystals in the prevention of psychic attacks

Psychic attraction is very important to any individual who is involved in the practice of psychic development works including the ones participating in the meditation cycle. Most people, however, are not usually quite aware of the problems associated with not protecting themselves well thus finding themselves in trouble. Once you have become a professional at finding contacts with higher realms, y...[Read More]

Can you get your ex back with the help of a psychic?

As you know, relationships require a lot of work.  Every single couple has hard times. If things get too rough, some couples may just call it quits, no matter how much they love each other. If you have ever had a rough break-up with someone you love, you may find it impossible to move on.  You will spend endless hours trying to decide what went awry. And then, suddenly, you find yourself picturing...[Read More]

Psychics and Winning the Lottery

It’s a question most psychics will hear…If psychics are real, why don’t they win every lottery drawing? Skeptics love to ask that question. The short answer is that the machines or computers that randomly generate the winning numbers are not human. Psychics can’t work with machines—at least, not yet. There’s no life, no spirit, no energy to read. Also, predicting the future isn’t...[Read More]

Your Psychic Inheritance – Make use of your intuition gift every day!

Psychics and healers are readily able to tap into the intuitive realm since they are frequently born with a finely tuned sixth sense. You may start accepting and developing your natural abilities when you consult a psychic. This is due to the fact that human beings tend to enjoy a unique psychic inheritance; intuition. This is a phenomenon that’s important to life expressed instinctively and...[Read More]

You Should Frequently Analyze Your Psychic Readings: Here’s the Reason

The time you’ve devoted into analyzing your psychic readings will truly be valued by others. In case you going through the internet for a new psychic and you happen to see Psychic Mara, what makes that advisor a solid match for you? What’s the most useful thing that you’ll find?. The first review which is in her profile says: Precisely what a psychic reading ought to be! I’m very happy I reached o...[Read More]

Psychic Frauds Everywhere, Beware!

Are you still surprised that the psychics industry has a lot of frauds?  Well… there are still several scams which occur every day online and there are millions who fall a victim to this. One out of every four psychics who operate online is genuine and other three are somehow conducting a scam. This will throw light on a clearer idea of several fake psychics conducting scam and harassing inn...[Read More]

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