How to Stay Safe from Negative Energies

Stay Safe from Negative Energies

Everything and everyone is made up of energy. There are energies that are good and there are energies that are bad. Some energies cause chaos and you need to protect yourself from these energies. Here’s how!

  • Use Protection Symbols

There are different symbols that are both religious and mystical that can protect your home. Place these near the entrance of your home such as angel figurines, crosses, Celtic crosses or more. These will protect your energy from negativity.

  • Bring Peace

Bring peace into your home. Even though there are emotions that aren’t always good, make sure that you are kind, loving and caring to your family, friend, pets and anyone that enters your home.

  • Protection Stones

Use protection stones around your home, in your office or even in your car. These stones don’t have to be super expensive such as Black Tourmaline, but they are great to help get rid of negative energies. You can use small stones and put them all over your home. They look good and they can protect your area from bad energy.

Other great protection stones include:

      • Smoky Quartz.
      • Black Onyx.
      • Black Obsidian.
      • Rose Quartz.
      • Clear Quartz.

Put these stones in your glove box, under your pillow, in your desk drawers or even carry them with you in your purse.

  • Ask the Angels and Guides

Ask your angels and your guides to protect you from negative energy. Michael is one of the archangels that you can call on to help you sleep better and to help you to get rid of stress. If you are sensitive to energies, you might have trouble sleeping or experience a lot of nightmares. When you ask Michael to come and shift your thoughts, he can change the energy of your room to something positive.

If you want to meet a spirit that is around you, be compassionate and caring but if you have strange energy, ask your angels to help you to get rid of the negative energy and to bring peace into your home.

  • Get Rid of Clutter

Get rid of clutter and make sure that your area is clean of dust and dirt. Make your bed, get rid of garbage, clean the dishes, and do whatever it takes to tidy your home. This can get rid of negativity and can bring peace to your home. You can also add patterns and colors that make you feel good such as plants or flowers.

  • Let the Sunlight In

Open the curtains and let the sunlight come into your space. You can even open a window and let some air in. Having natural light and playing healing sounds can help your space to get rid of any lingering energies that aren’t good for you.

  • Cleanse Your Area

Cleanse your area by doing a deep cleaning and by burning smoke or incense. You can spray salt spray or aromatherapy, or you can even use a ringing bell to bring in loving energy. Use positive mantras and let your space have calm energies.

  • Say No

You can say no to people, and you don’t have to be a yes man. Doing this does take strength and courage but if you get drug down in your energy because you are always doing things for others, the best thing that you can do is to set boundaries and live a healthier life.

  • Protect Your Area

Make sure that you protect your area by installing locks, keeping your motion lights on, locking the doors and windows, and just keeping your home or office safe. You can also make sure that you keep a check on all of your accounts and just keep yourself save overall.

Doing these things might seem silly but this can protect your energy just like doing the above things can.

Final Thoughts

When life seems to be out of control, there are things that you can do to boost your energies and to get rid of negative energy. This can keep you safe in your mind, body and soul and allows your energy and the energy of your area to be at its best.